Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University (KKHSOU)
The Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University (KKHSOU) is one of the pioneer State Universities of Assam which was established under the provision of KKHSOU, Act 2005 enacted by the Govt. of Assam & published in the Assam Gazette (extraordinary) dated 29/09/2005 and it is recognized by the Distance Education Bureau (DEB) UGC, New Delhi. The university provides Ph.D. Programme, M.Phil. Programme, Post Graduate Degree Programme, Bachelor Degree Programme, Diploma Programme, Certificate Courses, Capacity Building Programmes for School Teachers. The Rangapara College Study Centre of the Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University (KKHSOU) was started in the year 2009 for offering the Bachelor Preparatory Programme (Now discontinued by university). Presently, the Rangapara College Study Centre of KKHSOU is offering the Post Graduate Degree Programme and Bachelor Degree Programme through distance mode. The administrative structure of the Rangapara College Study Centre of KKHSOU has been formed as under:
- 1. Centre In-Charge : Dr. Ranjan Kalita, Principal, Rangapara College.
- 2. Centre Coordinator : Mr. Lohit Ch. Baishya, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Political Science.
- 3. Office Assistant : Mr. Robertson Khora.
- 4. Accountant : Mr. Kamal Ansari.
- 5. Supporting Staff : Mr. Joydeb Kissan.
Contact Details

Dr. Ranjan Kalita
Designation : Centre In-Charge
Mobile : 7002355539

Mr. Lohit Ch. Baishya
Designation : Centre Coordinator
Mobile : 7002589397